posted by go to at 10/01/2007
OMG. This was great. Great start to Monday.SP
"you in New York now baby" HA! OMG that was awesome.
Ah...the intimacy...the tenderness...the RED DRESS!!! Wow!!! Supplied some much needed laughs my friend. Thanks!!!!
"Like a Hairy Jake Gyllenhaal" (by the way I had to google that to figure out how to spell it). Dude that is about the funniest thing I have seen all week and eventhough it is only Monday I think I will be saying the same thing on Saturday. I had to post it to my blog so a HT: to you will be in order.
DUDE. I don't know how I missed this last night. I must have got up to pee.Amazing for sure.
these guys make classics.
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OMG. This was great. Great start to Monday.
"you in New York now baby" HA!
OMG that was awesome.
Ah...the intimacy...the tenderness...the RED DRESS!!! Wow!!! Supplied some much needed laughs my friend. Thanks!!!!
"Like a Hairy Jake Gyllenhaal" (by the way I had to google that to figure out how to spell it).
Dude that is about the funniest thing I have seen all week and eventhough it is only Monday I think I will be saying the same thing on Saturday.
I had to post it to my blog so a HT: to you will be in order.
DUDE. I don't know how I missed this last night. I must have got up to pee.
Amazing for sure.
these guys make classics.
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