posted by go to at 11/15/2007
I'm not hatin'. You are right. Still an amazing video TODAY.
I have never been an MJ fan, but this video is crazy cool. Great effects and camera stuff.SP
I have to confess, I thought the freakishness had crowded out the genius. Clearly, I was mistaken.
I thought Angry Alien was something else... And Wow, the computer effects to make him/them seem like different people is really amazing!
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I'm not hatin'. You are right. Still an amazing video TODAY.
I have never been an MJ fan, but this video is crazy cool. Great effects and camera stuff.
I have to confess, I thought the freakishness had crowded out the genius. Clearly, I was mistaken.
I thought Angry Alien was something else... And Wow, the computer effects to make him/them seem like different people is really amazing!
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