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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Erwin McManus, Thomas Nelson, Cannibals, and A Cool Little Notebook.

Thanks to Mark for his presentation of the Moleskine notebook. I purchased one yesterday in hopes that the spirit of Van Gogh or Hemingway would inspire great writings and art through it's pages. Well not really, but who's a cool little book. I am pretty sure that Borders might be the only place to find them if you are interested.

I just picked up a new book by Erwin McManus called "The Barbarian Way". Thomas Nelson, his publisher is marketing the book as a "Guaranteed READ", which basically means that if you can't really get through the book (b/c you're not feeling it) just send it back with the receipt and they will refund your money postage and all. I have to say that this book might ruffle some feathers. I am loving it so far. Thomas Nelson has been "right on" the past couple of years with a lot of their material. Blue Like Jazz has been the conversation of much debate as of late as well. Rock on! It is good for the church to actually start to think for themselves for a change. If you haven't read Searching For God Knows What, it's a must if you were feeling BLJ.

On the subject of Erwin McManus...I had dinner with Erwin serveral months back while he was in Nashville. He and his family have been fans of my band of 4 years Among Thorns. We just hung out and got to know each other. I kinda felt bad for him during our time together. From the time we got on our shuttle bus to go to dinner people wouldn't leave him alone. Even dinner seemed to be a chore with others just trying to get a minute of Erwin's time as if he had answers to their questions and problems. For the record Erwin was very gracious...much more than I might have been. Everyone wants a quick fix to everything when in reality there are probably no fixes at all this side of heaven.

Sometimes it seems to me that sometimes people can be lazy, myself probebly included. We all want someone to come and make all of our problems go away. Maybe the quick fix was never meant to be. Just maybe we are to work and search within ourselves to find answers. Our own answers...what WE really believe...NOT just what someone else told us to believe (or think). Just a thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you can check out this site for more info on the Moleskine (mol-a-skeen-a) and where to buy them.


10:04 PM  
Blogger Lu said...

It is a great book. And it definitely will challenge anyone who dares read it, as all of Erwin's books have. However, I'm not sure how many people who aren't already on the Barbarian path, or ready to travel down it, will actually pick it up. I think the title alone may scare some off -- and offend others.

I'm glad you got a chance to meet Erwin, and he you. I'm from Mosaic LA -- just moved out here in August to start a Mosaic here in Nashville -- and can attest to Erwin's character and coolness. He's a good pastor, a good friend and a godly man (and his wife is one of my favorite people!).

We in the Mosaic church plant are going through Barbarian Way together each Sunday night right now. Come join us if you're free around 6pm for some lively discussions on the book. :) I, for one, would love to hear your thoughts! We meet at 1525 McGavock St., the old Crook and Chase studio.

2:15 AM  

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