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Monday, September 26, 2005

Seaside, FL (Part 1)

Jennifer and I just returned from Seaside, FL. This has become one of our favorite places to visit. It is a bit exclusive in nature, but it has the feel of an old "back in the day" town feel. Seaside is located about 20 minutes east of Destin, FL and 30 minutes west of Panama City, FL on the Gulf of Mexico.

Jenn was a part of the Heffel / Bradley wedding, where we stayed in a multi-million dollar beach-front home. (Can you say big-pimpin'?!). I'll try to get some photos of the crib up in Part 2.

The waves were HUGE! Hurricane Rita came ashore just over 400 miles west of us...and we saw crazy cool waves, felt lots of wind, and inhaled saw yummy "red tide" (Red Algae)....not a good thing by the way.

One of the things that put Seaside on the map so to speak, was the Jim Carrey film The Truman Show. If you remember the film, that is the feel of this amazing little place.

Another similar town next to Seaside is Watercolor, FL. Check it out. Very cool.

Look for Part 2 soon (eats, and more).


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